
Portfolio items with specific text in the name

Name contains "Technical Debt"

Portfolio items with a specific investment category

InvestmentCategory = "Cost Savings"

Portfolio items with a specific custom field value

c_MyCustomField = "MyCustomValue"

Unscheduled features

Release = null

Features in current release

Release.ReleaseStartDate <= today AND Release.ReleaseDate >= today

Leaf user stories attached to features in current release

Feature.Release.ReleaseStartDate <= today AND Feature.Release.ReleaseDate >= today AND DirectChildrenCount = 0

Scheduled for a release

Release.Name = "PSI 2013.Q1"

Portfolio items with a specific parent

Parent.Name = "Design new login page"

Portfolio items with no parent

Parent = null

Portfolio items with no child portfolio items or user stories

DirectChildrenCount = "0"

Portfolio items that have a state other than Discovering Or Done

State.Name != Discovering AND State.Name != Done

Portfolio items that have Total Completion Percent (by story count) of 50% or less

PercentDoneByStoryCount <= ".50"

Portfolio items that do not have tags that contain specific text

Tags.Name !contains "Blue"

Portfolio items with two tags: Red and Blue

Tags.Name = "Blue" AND Tags.Name = "Red"

Portfolio items with three tags: Red, Blue and Green

Tags.Name = "Blue" AND Tags.Name = "Red" AND Tags.Name = "Green"

Portfolio items owned by Mike or Sally

Owner.UserName = "mike@acme.com" OR Owner.UserName = "sally@acme.com"

Portfolio items that have an Actual Start Date after November 5, 2012

ActualStartDate > "2012-11-05"

Portfolio items that have a Planned Start Date later than last week

PlannedStartDate > "lastweek"

Portfolio items that have a Planned Start Date later than last week (alternative)

PlannedStartDate > "today - 7"

Portfolio items that have planned dates, but not all associated user stories are finished

PlannedStartDate != null AND PlannedEndDate != null AND PercentDoneByStoryCount <= ".50"

Filter Out Features With No State Or Archived Features

Tags.Name = "RPM" AND State.Name != null AND State.Name != "Archived"

Portfolio items in progress

PercentDoneByStoryCount > 0 AND PercentDoneByStoryCount < 1

Portfolio items that have stories in progress but nothing has been accepted yet

ActualStartDate != null AND ActualEndDate = null

Finished portfolio items

ActualStartDate != null AND ActualEndDate != null

Recent portfolio items and portfolio items in progress

(ActualStartDate != null AND ActualEndDate = null) OR (ActualStartDate != null AND ActualEndDate = LastQuarter)

Work items with specific text in the name

Name contains "Technical Debt"

Work items in a specific iteration (by name)

Iteration.Name = "September Sprint 2"

User stories without parent user stories

Parent = null

User stories that have parents, but they are not portfolio items

PortfolioItem = null AND Parent != null

User stories that have parents which are either user stories or feature-level portfolio items

PortfolioItem != null OR Parent != null

Open defects

State < "Closed"

User stories needing estimates

PlanEstimate = null AND ScheduleState = "Defined"

User stories in an iteration needing estimates

PlanEstimate = null AND ScheduleState = "Defined" AND Iteration != null

User stories with a schedule state value between Defined and Accepted

ScheduleState > "Defined" AND ScheduleState < "Accepted"

User stories without defects

Defects.ObjectID = null

User stories with defects

Defects.ObjectID != null

My tasks in the current iteration

Owner.UserName = {Me} AND Iteration.StartDate <= today AND Iteration.EndDate >= today

Open defects, owned by Bob, associated to a specific user story

Owner.UserName = "bob@dobalina.com" and State < "Closed" and Requirement.Name = "Story 2"

Open defects George found

SubmittedBy.UserName = "george@vandelayindustries.com" and State != "Closed"

Defects without tags

Tags.ObjectID = null

Defects that have tags

Tags.ObjectID != null

Tip: Use the following date variables and date expressions: today, yesterday, tomorrow, lastweek, nextweek, lastmonth, nextmonth, lastquarter, nextquarter, lastyear, next year, today + , and today - . For examples and usage details, see Date Variables.